NAMESYNOPSISMAILING-LISTNEWSGROUPIRC ChannelMRTG JapanAUTHORmrtg-forum - Interactive Help for MRTG users There is a lot of written documentation for mrtg, but nevertheless you may have a problem where you can't find the solution. In this case some Human Help may be necessary. With MRTG there are several ways to get Humans to help you. There are three mailing lists for MRTG available.
THE RULESPlease note that the memebers of the mrtg mailinglist value politeness highly. This means behave in a way you would like others to behave towards you.
SUBSCRIBINGThese lists are managed by a mailing-list management program (listar). It allows you to subscribe to these lists by sending a message with the subject: subscribe to the following address:
You will then get a message asking you to confirm your subscription. For posting to the lists use the following address
Note that only people who are subscribed to the list can post. Further information about the usage of the mailing lists is available by sending a message with the subject line help to either one of the request addresses. There is also a webinterface to the lists on
List archives are on
For discussion of MRTG or related topics on the Usenet, please send your posts to:
Many MRTG users are in this forum and will help you. You can also find an archive of past activity from this Newsgroup on:
For discussion of MRTG and related topics on IRC, the `#mrtg' channel on EFNet has been created. More information can be found at
There is a special Mailinglist for MRTG Users in Japan. It carries translations of the traffic from MRTG-ANNOUNCE as well as updates on the Japanese Translation of the MRTG documentation. Go to http://www.mrtg.jp/ for further Information. Tobias Oetiker <[email protected]> and many contributors |
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